Ukraine Emergency – UNHCR Poland Factsheet (01 August 2023)

970,959, refugees from Ukraine held active PESEL registration as of 01 August 2023. The cumulative number for PESEL applications since March 2022 stood at almost 1.7 million.

UNHCR coordinates the response of 83 organizations in Poland under the Regional Refugee Response Plan.
More than half of them are Polish civil society organizations.

UNHCR is supporting government-led efforts through a multisectoral response focusing on ensuring access to asylum and protection, assisting the most vulnerable refugees, and facilitating socio-economic inclusion.


▪ 45,452 refugees received protection support and information (at 4 UNHCRUNICEF Blue Dots, 7 UNHCR Community Centers and through mobile outreach activities) in 2023.

▪ 18,972 vulnerable refugees received targeted cash assistance in 2023.

▪ 18,245 protection monitoring and profiling interviews were conducted in 2023.

▪ 149,367 core relief items (CRIs) were delivered in 2023.


Since 2022, due to the war in Ukraine, Poland has transformed from a country hosting relatively few refugees into one of the world’s main refugee-hosting countries.

Refugee arrivals reduced in 2023 but were expected to continue as the situation in Ukraine remains volatile, with widespread displacement and destruction. Some refugees have moved on in Europe and elsewhere, but large numbers of refugees from Ukraine remain in Poland. UNHCR has strategically positioned itself, boosting its presence and response to meet humanitarian needs on the ground, while also leading the coordination of national and international partners within the Regional Refugee Response Plan framework, in line with the Government-led efforts.

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