Viet Nam, Storms and Strong Winds in Lao Cai, Son La, Quang Ninh and Tra Vinh (5 May 2024)

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Lào Cai, Viet Nam

Event Date : Sun, 05 May 2024

AHADID : AHA-ST-2024-000768-VNM | GLIDE Number :

Impact Update Date : Sun, 05 May 2024 18:00:00


Lào Cai, Quảng Ninh, Sơn La, Trà Vinh


According to a quick report of the Standing Office of the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control of Lao Cai, Son La, Quang Ninh and Tra Vinh provinces, heavy rain accompanied by thunderstorms and hail occurred from the night of May 5-6, 2024, causing damage. as follows:

– Regarding people: 01 person died due to lightning strike (Quang Ninh), 03 people were injured (Tra Vinh).

– Regarding housing: 307 houses were damaged and had their roofs blown off (Lao Cai 272, Son La 09, Tra Vinh 26).

– Regarding agriculture: 31.7 hectares of crops and fruit trees were affected and damaged (Lao Cai).

– Regarding infrastructure: 07 traffic, educational and cultural works were damaged (Lao Cai).

– Other damage: 07 electric poles collapsed (Lao Cai 06, Tra Vinh 01) and some other damage.

After the natural disaster occurred, the local government visited and encouraged the victims’ families, mobilized forces to help people clean, sanitize, and repair their houses to quickly stabilize their lives.

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